Jul 4, 2009

Opening get-together -- Smith/Cardone house, Matunuck, Rhode Island 6/26/09

Reflections on the Smith family reunion 2009

From: Chip Smith
Subject: Smith Family Reunion I
Date: Saturday, July 6, 2009

June is my favorite time of the year. In Rhode Island this generally means bright, sunny days, low humidity and in the City, no bugs. I salute the organizers for selecting this time of year for our reunion.

Our roots are here in Rhode Island, the smallest state in our union. However everyone who visits and many of you did for this reunion wanted to take just a piece of it, if not in memory only.

(Frederic Sterry Smith, Jr ) and Chip (Charles Morris Smith V) finally met for the first time after a month of e-mails and phone calls on Wednesday, June 24th at Chip's house in Providence. The two branches of our families had not met since the funeral of Uncle Walter in 1995, but a reunion, 1958!

Ric, his son Eric and financée, Sarah came ahead. We visited two family treasures here on the East Side of Providence. First the house at 295 Laurel Ave which Charles Morris Smith, III built in 1930 a/k/a as the palace. The majestic 3-storey brick colonial lived up to its name including a 3-car garage, maids quarters and a wonderful front hall like a theater, you could view all 3 floors.

The other treasure was the Smith Family burial plat at Swan Point Cemetery. Located on Spruce Street within the confines of this historical cemetery. The plat contains a who's-who of our family and the last addition and visit I made was for the burial of my Grandmother, Ruth Huntington Trowbridge Smith (widow of Charles Morris Smith III). Her lifespan transcended 3 centuries as she had been born July 7, 1899, and passed away September 2, 2001, at age 102! Ric took a few photos while we were there.

Terry and Karen Peck had us for dinner that night and now 3 branches of the family had made contact. Yours truly had no idea that Terry Peck lived just down the road, not even 2 miles away. Amazing, as I have lived on the East side since 1975! Karen who is really into genealogy had worked on her family's. Not surprising my daughter, Luiza, and Karen had quite the conversation on same.

Rian Smith had quite a party but getting there was quite the adventure. I had made a bet with my daughter, Luiza that my sister Ruth who had been with us for the morning went home to New Hampshire and wouldn't be returning until Saturday. As we finally neared Rian's house my cell phone went off, it was my sister at Rian's house, "Where the heck are you, you're missing the party!" My daughter just smiled.

Rian's party with finger foods, yum was fabulous. Thanks to Ric for the introductions including his wife Anna and daughter Sterry who had just arrived. Everyone was so warm and welcoming as the reunion was in full swing!

Saturday was the big day. The feast, the gathering, etc at Anne Holst's. I met still more people that had just arrived, played the 1875 Steinway and asked the caretaker, "Are those real gas lights? The caretaker replied, "Yes, we never changed them." I was in awe as I love Victorian architecture and to have a house in the family for a gathering place like this, we are truly blessed.

Later again we all met at Martha Parker's in Newport. A dandy BBQ with a patio filled with happy family members especially those looking on at a video of reconstructed 8MM film of our family members in the early 1930's. Meanwhile inside the Chess Tournament was at the final match. Little did I know, my brother Mike was to become the Smith Reunion champ!

Sorry, we were unable to make the Bristol BBQ but were present for events on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I understand there is a push for next year, followed by every 5 years thereafter indicates to me.

1. The participants of this year’s had a blast.
2. The e-mails, pics, etc., have other family members who were unable to make it jealous.
3. I say yes!

Chip Smith
Ric Smith
Subject: July 4th Reunion Update!
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 3:34 AM

Dear Family,

They came from Florida to Maine, from California to North Carolina, from all over New England and the Deep South. Some flew, some drove, all said they had a great time! Some swam, some sailed, some surfed, some played croquet; some walked the beach, all talked into the wee hours. We ate, and ate, and ate… and drank some too. Oooooh the Food… scrumptious doesn’t come close!

Some had not returned to Rhode Island in over 40 years, others had never seen this Majestic State. Some came on Tuesday, some on Wednesday, Some Thursday, others arrived for Rian’s big splash Friday! Some could only make Saturday’s events; others spent two days in Boston or Providence or returned by way of NYC.

Laughter and smiles could be found on every face as memories were shared and new memories were made. Strangers quickly became dear friends and family, common blood uniting the clans. One classic comment overheard, “Mom (it’s not time to go) it’s a Family Reunion!”

For all the festivities there was and is much to be grateful for, not the least of which is you! Fifty-one were gathered at table under the veranda at Cloud’s Hill alone! (More would arrive Sunday at Colt State Park!) We raised our glasses to absent family and friends… then again to Uncle Walter’s efforts to bring our family together. The heads of our clans shared from their heart until few dry eyes could be found.

For Anne Holst at Cloud’s Hill we offer a huge Thank You!! For the ladies who collected our money, planned our meals, shopped, made all the preparations and cooked for weeks in advance… then while most of us stood by and talked, they cleaned up after us… What words could ever express our appreciation for your boundless gift of love?!! For each committee member who gave until you had nothing left… then gave some more. We thank you!!!

There is No possible way to thank everyone for everything. There is no way to describe the boundless beauty or plethora of opportunities made possible to so many for an entire weekend. Some plans had to be scrapped when details could not be firmed up; such as a tour of Bompa and Granny’s house. Perhaps next time?!

One incredible surprise and priceless gift came in the form of 100-year-old 8mm family movies that were resurrected and copied onto CD’s by Lydia Smith and Lloyd Alvarez! We watched with gaping mouths and teary eyes as our parents, grandparents, even great grandparents played and frolicked to the tunes of overdubbed ragtime music.

We are Family, we played like family, we argued like family, we cried like family… We love our family and are so glad for this opportunity to gather. This reunion will be remembered for years to come but it doesn’t have to stop here… There is more; for each of us; for all of us! … Let us build upon these memories, create new traditions, find our missing family and welcome them with outstretched arms.

Greater Smith Family Tree:
Luiza Maria Smith of Providence took on the daunting task of creating our family tree. Each person’s name will be included showing your spouse, children, parents, grandparents, etc. All personal details will be limited to the Family Roster posted on our secure website.

By the end of our reunion the tree was completed from Bompa’s grandfather Charles Morris Smith to the present. Luiza has since been adding every line (or branch) dating back to Nehemiah Smith.

Once it is published we will share it with you. I am including her note below.

Several branches of our family tree have suffered years of misunderstandings largely due to unmet expectations. We are glad to report that the events of the past few weeks have helped heal most, if not All of these misunderstandings. We are ever grateful to see our family coming together and reconciled.

Chess Tournament:

  • Our Chess Tournament began on Thursday night in Providence where Charlie and Eric beat their fathers handily. The next two nights saw several more games played in Wakefield and Newport. In one semi-final match Michael H. Smith defeated Tim Schiro. Burges and Luiza Smith yielded their match due much to exhaustion and excessive festivities. Eric Smith advanced to the final and after much adieu was bested by Cousin Michael. Michael received the Smith Family Chess Trophy (see picture attached), with the understanding he may be challenged at any time to a best of a three game match.
  • Tournament Chess has been part of our family for many generations with stories dating back to Bompa and Great Uncle Charlie. To our knowledge no one held the title longer than Uncle Walter.
  • The trophy was purchased by Chip Smith. Donations by tournament players are gratefully received.


  • Thank you Zach (Allen) for taking your professional photography, the family photo at Cloud’s Hill and video of the reunion!
  • Many thanks to all who brought your camera and captured each event as only you could! Please remember to make an extra CD of your pictures so all can share in the joy.
  • Get your picture CD’s in soon! You may send them to Patience Peck who will use them to create our Family Photo Album: 300 Newcomb Road, Apt. 4 North Kingstown, RI 02852
  • Email pictures to Tim@TimSchiro.com or you may upload them as before, if they are in 500k or smaller, into new picture albums on the website Photo Gallery. [Please do not send Large files to me (Ric). Any picture or group of pictures larger than 500k takes a long time to download at 28k baud. Even now my computer has been frozen downloading a picture for the past 4 hours! … (but alas these are the drawbacks of living in an 18th Century Log Cabin.]
  • Look for reunion photos to be uploaded to the website beginning next week.

Our Next Reunion: Help us plan for the next reunion!

  • Date? (It has been suggested our next reunion be from 1-4 years away
    as many of us are not getting any younger ;-)

Other Thoughts…

  • Only one event per day?
  • A three or five day reunion?
  • Add a setup/cleanup committee?
  • A separate food committee for each day or location?!
  • Other suggestions or ideas?

Please share your thoughts whether you were able to come this year or not. It would be great to hear from you! Just hit reply to this email to share your thoughts, comments or reflections on what your family or the reunion meant to you? Remember, we don’t have to wait until a funeral to get together… we did it once we can do it again!

With love, Ric
From: Zach Allen
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: Your thoughts please?

The reunion was for me a great new experience. My brother (William Slater Allen Jr. or “Slats”) was much closer to the Smith family than I was, simply because of his age. He was very fond of the Smiths.

I got to know Walter in the late 1980s when I moved to Washington. I had many very pleasant evenings at Walter’s house and have very fond memories of Walter. But, regrettably, he was the only member of the family that I knew.

I knew that we were, somehow, related. Walter probably explained it all in vivid detail, but the only thing I retained from that was his warning about the one false clue: The “Smith” in William Smith Slater was a complete red herring. I had a vague impression until recently that there were three Slater daughters, and that was the link. But, I could not document that.

Leave that to my first cousin, Anne (Holst). Our grandfather was a great researcher into family history, as was Anne’s mother (Anne Crawford Allen or “Nancy”). The remarkable collection of photos on the porch Saturday is vivid testimony to the meticulous record keeping. No wonder that Walter and Nancy often discussed these matters. Anne carries on her mother’s tradition with skill and devotion.

In any case, the reunion last weekend was a great introduction for me. It was brilliantly organized and executed. And, for historic reasons, held at the right place.

Thank you all for a wonderful day and a magnificent introduction to a wonderful collection of cousins that I have just been introduced to. Thank you.

From: Martha Smith
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Your thoughts please?

Hello Cousin,

I have to say I had a wonderful time! It wore me out a bit, but it was well worth it! I thought the whole thing was well done. Many thanks to all who participated, contributed, shared, and spoke! I especially appreciated the speeches, I only wish I had the where with all to speak publicly I am far more weepy than you.

I loved the time we all got to spend with each other, all be it brief, but it showed us all a glimpse of each others lives, and how similar we really all are, the little things that bind us all. I truly hope that if this is the first of reunions since 1957, it won't be the last of reunions and that at least each generation will continue this amazing tradition that you were so instrumental in creating!! Thank you!!!!!

I suspect that Charlie (CMS, VI), will continue! What an impressive young man, very sweet and eloquent for his age! I liked his spark! My undying gratitude to Lydia and Lloyd for the most amazing gift of the video (DVD of early home movies from 1900-1930’s)!! I have watched it about 6 times so far.

If I have forgotten anything I will relay my thoughts to you as they come!

Thanks again,

Robin Smith
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 11:01 PM
Subject: Robin Smith wrote on your Wall...

hi Ric,

It is going well thanks. good reports from Martha on the reunion. great job.

wish I could have been there.

maybe another time.

(Robin Smith- GWHS, III)
Chip Smith
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 2:43 PM
Subject: Smith Reunion II


I owe you my pics and reflections…

1. The last week in June was perfect!
2. I hope it (our next Reunion) can be in Rhode Island again. (Smith roots and all)
3. I have asked others who do have them; every 5 years seemed to be the norm
4. We'll need a meeting a two prior to that
5. If we're at 111BB we could be party sight. Had a party for my boss a few years back, 100 guests!
6. A special thank you because we in Rhode Island needed some fun and an escape from a near depression (like 1929) that we're in.

This Reunion brought us that escape, etc., plus meeting your wonderful family.

7. Remember word has gotten out this was a reunion to remember and now those who couldn't make it are itchy for the next one . I just love anticipation like last Wednesday when you arrived.


PS. A milestone birthday is coming my way in 4 years. Is that too early?
Luiza Smith
Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 12:23 AM
Subject: Family Tree update

Cousin Ric-

I'm glad you're working well into the wee hours of the morning- it's just what us smith family reunionites do. :)

I'm working on my response to the reunion, I just want to make sure I get it all out and make sure my points are clear etc. I tend to ramble when it comes to family/smooshy family type of e-mails.

I'm actually going to the New England Genealogical Society on Monday I believe to see what I can check out there, or at least take a tour to see what sort of resources they have to offer. I've been thinking about joining ancestry.com since they have the largest database that I’ve seen yet, and the fact that my inspiration software (where the family tree is) is only good for another 12 days or so. Zach Allen (and their family) is connected to that site as well, so we can join those trees together I believe.

Tree wise, we're still going strong. I've been working extra time since I had to take the entire weekend off. I'm also headed south as you know, starting on Tuesday. I won't be back till the 18th. I'll pick up the rest of the family tree-slack by then. By doing ancestry.com I think everyone would be able to access it better vs. downloading "inspiration.”

love love love x 100

Ric Smith
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: Reflections on the reunion

Good Morning All!

I am writing a post-reunion update to go out tomorrow. How about some initial thoughts, comments or reflections on what the reunion meant to you?

Many thanks to all for your efforts and participation making it so wonderful!

Much love,

Zach Allen
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 8:08 AM
Subject: RE: Reflections on the reunion

I enjoyed meeting you both and would very much like to stay in touch. It was a remarkable event, with magnificent style and warmth.

I hope that Sterry’s migraine is transitory. Those are horrible. I think both of these are spinal issues. Those generate horrible pain. I am really sorry to hear about it. I will, indeed, keep them in my prayers.

From: Ric Smith
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Reflections on the reunion

Hi Zach,

It was fantastic meeting you! Please make a point to stop by for a visit, either here (Columbus, GA) of mom's in FL!

You (or anyone in our Greater family) are welcome anytime!

All the best,

Cousin Ric

ps Please keep my daughter Sterry (Migraine since Friday) and Burges' son Truitt (Extreme back pain- he was sent home from Boston Friday morning) in your prayers.
From: Lydia Smith
Subject: Re: I have a new email address!
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:10 AM

Hi Ric,

Our drive turned into a bit of a nightmare yesterday. We left at 3pm with presumably plenty of time to spare and a 3-hour drive turned into over 6. Between traffic and a major accident and not being frequent drivers we were miserable in the car all day.

It was wonderful see you and your lovely family this weekend! Did you get a copy of the film? Please let me know if you would like more. We pulled a major favor of a friend and I don't think we can ask again to finish the last 8 canisters any time soon, but I will do my best.

I will speak with Nancy this summer about Walter's paperwork. Don't worry, nothing will be thrown out.

All the best,

From: Burges Smith
Subject: RE: Reflections on the reunion
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 4:14 PM

Surely, Terry, you speak my to my own thoughts well! Thank you for this note, and reminder just how easy it is to tug a strand of this Smith spider web we inexorably now clamber upon!
From: Terry Smith
Subject: Reflections on the reunion
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 10:00 AM

Smith Family,

The events of the past few days, which were called the “Smith Family Reunion,” were an extraordinary Odyssey for me. As a psychotherapist I deal with the heart and healing, because people suffer pain and get stuck trying to cope with it. 70+ people I hardly know or don’t know at all who are family. Scary. My specialty in psychotherapy is family therapy. Families are the most healing entities available to mankind. The shared love and acceptance can heal most psychological wounds (he may be an asshole, but he’s our, dear, asshole.) The idea that I have family I don’t even know or haven’t seen in 15 years was frightening. How can I be open and trust them? That would require me to allow myself to be open and vulnerable. Isn’t that a recipe for disaster, for rejection on a large scale? But I didn’t trust myself enough. I was far more nimble psychologically than I thought. And I could be because all these people felt emotionally and psychologically “like me.” My sense of kinship quickly began to allay my fears. These were my people. We all seemed to share some common understanding and value, which I can’t yet articulate. But what was most significant was the sense of a shared emotional and psychological core surrounded by all too familiar traits. Obviously there is a high degree of creativity, witness the art, photography, videoing and piano playing. Critical thinking is more than an ability, it’s a passion. Perseveration is rampant evidenced in the development of the plans for the reunion, but also in Louisa’s development of the genealogical tree and Chuck’s determination to find Bompa and Granny’s house (walking up and down the street and knocking on neighbors’ doors and even finding my father’s partner’s son, who I haven’t spoken to in more than 10 years.) I could go on and on, but I believe you know what I mean. I do want to do this again soon. For me the experience was very affirming. Perseveration has led to some of my personal successes and my mother’s. Creativity, impulsivity, critical thinking and most of all the caring are much of my identity and the meaning in my life. Thank you all for being there.

Love to you all,

Terry Peck

PS: I was disappointed that Ric Smith & family and Chip Allen and family didn’t come to the picnic on Sunday. I would like to see Louisa’s genealogy tree.
From: Patience Peck
Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009, 8:56 PM

… Clouds Hill and family were beyond my wildest dreams. …an outstanding job of organizing, etc. Thank you.

From: Ric Smith
Subject: Our Deepest appreciation
Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009, 8:50 AM

Dear Ladies,

I am truly amazed at your incredible outpouring of love and efforts to cater out reunion events! Everything was beautiful, nay exquisite! I know I speak for the entire family when I say again how grateful we are for your sacrifice.

I only wish I had done more to help with preparations and especially cleanup.

Please do take the day off tomorrow for some much-needed rest!

All our love,

Ric & Anna

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